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              手機掃一掃 立刻聯系商家
              來華工作簽證 外國人Z簽證 工作許可證 代辦廈門工作簽證
              發布時間: 2024-04-26 15:18 更新時間: 2024-12-26 08:00

              來華工作簽證 外國人Z簽證 工作許可證 代辦廈門工作簽證

               一、外國人來華工作許可  Foreigner’s Work Permit in China  外國人來華工作許可申請需先由用人單位在“外國人來華工作管理服務系統”進行單位用戶(法人)注冊,再通過單位(法人)賬號對所聘用外籍人員進行申請提報。  Before the application for a foreigner’s work permit in China, the employing unit must first register as a unit (legal person) user in the “Service System for Foreigners Working in China”, and then apply to the employed foreigners through the account of the unit (legal person).  (一)申請條件  Application Conditions  1. 用人單位基本條件  Basic Conditions of the Employing Unit  (1)依法設立,無嚴重違法失信記錄;聘用外國人從事的崗位應是有特殊需要,國內暫缺適當人選,且不違反國家有關規定的崗位;支付所聘用外國人的工資、薪金不得低于當地低工資標準。  It is established in accordance with the law and has no record of serious violations of the law or breach of trust; it employs foreigners for positions for which there is a special need and a temporary shortage of suitable candidates in China, and which do not violate relevant state regulations; it pays the employed foreigners wages and salaries not lower than the local minimum wage standard.  (2)法律法規規定應由行業主管部門前置審批的,需經過批準。  Where laws and regulations stipulate that prior approval by the competent industry department is required, approval is required.  2. 申請人基本條件  Basic Conditions of the Applicant  (1)應年滿18周歲,身體健康,無犯罪記錄,境內有確定的用人單位,具有從事其工作所必需的技能或相適應的知識水平。  The applicants should be at least 18 years old, be in good health, have no criminal record, have an identified employing unit in China, and have the necessary professional skills or the appropriate level of knowledge to perform their work.  (2)所從事的工作符合我國經濟社會發展需要,為國內急需緊缺的人員。  The work to be performed is in line with the needs of China’s economic and social development, and requires a professional in urgent need in China.  (3)法律法規對外國人來華工作另有規定的,從其規定。  Where laws and regulations provide otherwise for foreigners working in China, the provisions shall apply.  (二)分類標準  Classification Criteria    (三)申請材料  Application Materials  1.單位注冊賬號  Account Registration of the Employing Unit  (1)信息注冊表  Information registration form  (2)合法登記證明  Proof of legal registration  (3)負責人及經辦人身份證明  proof of identity of the responsible person and the handler  (4)行業許可證明文件  Documentary proof of industrial license  2.申請外國人來華工作許可(來華工作90天以上,不含90日)  Application for a foreigner’s work permit in China (working in China for more than 90 days)  境外申請人,需先申請《中華人民共和國外國人工作許可通知》,入境后申領《中華人民共和國外國人工作許可證》;境內申請人可直接(境內)申請《外國人來華工作許可》。  For overseas applicants, they must first apply for the Notice of Foreigner’s Work Permit in the People’s Republic of China and apply for the Foreigner’s Work Permit in the People’s Republic of China after entering China; domestic applicants can apply directly (in China) for the Foreigner’s Work Permit in China.  (1)申請《中華人民共和國外國人工作許可通知》  Application for the Notice of Foreigner’s Work Permit in the People’s Republic of China  ①外國人來華許可申請表(在線填寫打印)  Application Form for Foreigner’s Work Permit (filled in and printed online)  ②工作資歷證明(上一段)  Proof of work qualifications (previous job)  ③高學位(學歷)證書(需經過相應使領館認證)或(行業主管部門)相關批準文書、職業資格證明  The highest degree (academic) certificate (subject to certification by corresponding embassy or consulate) or relevant approval letter (from the competent industry department), proof of professional qualification  ④無犯罪記錄證明(近6個月內,需經相應使領館認證)  Proof of no criminal record (within the last 6 months, it must be certified by corresponding embassy or consulate)  ⑤體檢證明(近6個月內)  Physical examination certificate (within the last 6 months)  ⑥聘用合同或任職證明  Employment contract or proof of employment  ⑦申請人護照或國際旅行證件  Passport or international travel document of the applicant  ⑧申請人6個月內正面免冠照片  Frontal bareheaded photograph of the applicant within 6 months  ⑨其他材料  Other materials  (2)申領《中華人民共和國外國人工作許可證》  Application for the Foreigner’s Work Permit in the People’s Republic of China  ①申請人所持簽證(Z字或R字)或有效居留許可  Visa (ZorR) or valid residence permit held by the applicant  ②聘用合同  Employment contract  ③體檢證明  Physical examination certificate  (3)境內申請《外國人來華工作許可》  Domestic Application for the Foreigner’s Work Permit in China  按照《外國人工作許可通知》和申領《外國人工作許可證》提交全部申請材料。  Please submit all application materials in accordance with the Notice of Foreigner’s Work Permit in the People’s Republic of China and the Foreigner’s Work Permit in the People’s Republic of China.  3.申請外國人來華工作許可或外國專家來華邀請函(來華工作90天及以下)  Application for the Foreigner’s Work Permit in China or an Invitation Letter for Foreign Experts to Come to China (Work in China for 90 Days or Less)  (1)外國人來華工作許可或外國專家來華邀請函申請表(在線填寫打印)  Application Form for the Foreigner’s Work Permit in China or an Invitation Letter for Foreign Experts to Come to China (filled in and printed online)  (2)工作合同、項目合同、合作協議或邀請單位邀請說明  Work contract, project contract, cooperation agreement or invitation instructions of the inviting unit  (3)申請人護照或國際旅行證件  The applicant’s passport or international travel document  (4)其他材料  Other materials  3. 其他申請事項  Other Application Matters


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